Kronoberg Castle Ruins, Sweden

After the wonderful Midsommar celebrations (read about them here), the weather turned and grey clouds and fresh winds rolled in.  The moody weather was quite fitting for our visit to the nearby Kronoberg Castle ruins. It was a very dramatic location, with the castle on an island in a lake which we accessed across a rickety bridge. It becomes even more dramatic in the wintertime when the lake freezes over and snow covers the area.

Scroll past image mosaic to read more. Click on an image to view a larger version and enter the slideshow.  This is another photo heavy post because Rich and I love taking photos and also because Scandinavia is so amazingly photogenic. 

I’m not very good at paying attention to historical details, but I think structure was originally built in the 1400’s and featured in several battles between the Swedes and Danes.  One of our favourite facts was how enemies waited until the surrounding lake was frozen over so they could approach and attack more easily. Imagine that, waiting for subzero conditions to make your task easier. Continue reading “Kronoberg Castle Ruins, Sweden”

Midsommar in Sweden


Finally we arrived in Vaxjo, Sweden in time for Midsommar.  I’ve found it a bit tricky to write about our experience of Midsommar in Sweden, because I can’t find the words to tell you how happy it made me. A big part of our European road trip has been reconnecting with friends from the past.  When I hatched the plan of Midsommar in Sweden I was actually a bit hesitant, because I hadn’t seen my friend for about ten years and I thought it could be a bit presumptuous to invite ourselves to spend it with her.  As it turns out she and her family were very generous and gave us some of the happiest memories of our trip.

In Sweden, Midsommar celebrations come second only to Christmas celebrations.  There are special foods, special songs and special dances. Continue reading “Midsommar in Sweden”

Møns Klint. The White Chalk Cliffs of Møn, Denmark


A trip to Møn would not be complete without a visit to Møns Klint.  These white chalk cliffs are one of the highest points of Denmark, with a 120 m drop to the beach below and they are stunning.

When you arrive at the site, you are greeted with the Geocentre where you can learn about the cliffs, their formation and also the value of chalk.  It is very interactive and very thorough. We really enjoyed interacting with the exhibits, including chipping away at a crusty piece of dried mud to find a (plastic) dinosaur tooth, or was it a toe nail?

Continue reading “Møns Klint. The White Chalk Cliffs of Møn, Denmark”

The most amazing BnB on the island of Møn, Denmark

Mon Denmark BnB

This lovely BnB we found on the island of Møn, Denmark was amazing. Out-of-the-movies type of amazing.  Perhaps I was still high from the ferry ride and the excitement from the beginnings of our adventures, but it truly felt like I was dreaming being in this extraordinary place. Take a look at the pictures and you will begin to know what I mean.

Continue reading “The most amazing BnB on the island of Møn, Denmark”

Love is in the Detail: A review of Støberiet in Stege, Denmark.


The decision to visit the island of Møn in Denmark was more born of convenience on our journey to Växjö for Midsommar, than a thoughtful addition to our touring itinerary.  It was also a little bit magical.  I was enchanted from the moment we lined up for our ferry ride.  Ferry rides nearly always make me feel like an excited child.  Then came the beautiful flat rural landscape, gorgeous B’n’B where we stayed and the wonderful restaurant we stumbled on.  And it is that last subject I’ll write about today.

One of my favourite cliches is “Love is in the detail.”  For me the phrase captures the idea that when people execute a project with great tenderness and great passion, often you will discover those feelings carried through all levels of the project, right down to the finest detail because it really matters to the creator that it’s all executed ‘properly.’  Experiencing something created this way is one of the greatest joys in life and that is exactly what happened at Støberiet in the small Danish town called Stege on the island of Møn. Continue reading “Love is in the Detail: A review of Støberiet in Stege, Denmark.”

Hannover, Germany and that red line.

We only had one day to explore Hannover because we were on our mission to reach Sweden for Midsommar.  Unfortunately that one day had pretty miserable weather.  Thankfully it didn’t rain much, but it often threatened to and the skies were grey.  The very long drive and our tricky arrival also did not put us in the best mood.  The GPS system had not been informed that certain streets had become one way and construction was going on all over the place.  Just as in Lille, we made a few loops around the CBD before we could work out how to access our hotel, even though we could see it on each loop. The hotel was clean and large and we were grateful. Then we found some dinner and rested up for a day of sight-seeing.

Hannover has developed an interesting and useful system to explore the main landmarks of the city: The Red Thread. When I first heard of this red line, I thought it meant a red line was marked on a city map that you could use to take a self-guided tour. Instead it was actually a red line painted on the ground that you diligently follow to all the sights. And follow it we did. Continue reading “Hannover, Germany and that red line.”